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Surveillance camera footage of a masked burglar rummaging through shelves in a living room.

Theft, Fraud & Dishonesty

Theft, fraud, and dishonesty offences cover a wide range of activities, from shoplifting and handling stolen goods to serious fraud and armed robbery. At DJMS, our specialist criminal lawyers regularly assist clients, including young offenders, who are accused of these crimes. With us by your side, you have the very best chance of securing a positive outcome.


What is theft?

Theft involves taking and keeping something that belongs to another person without their consent. It differs from robbery in that no force is used. Burglary involves illegally entering a property to steal.

What is the sentence for theft?

The maximum sentence for theft is seven years in prison. The Court will consider any aggravating factors, such as the offence taking place over a long period of time, or theft from an employer, as well as any mitigating factors, such as previous good character, when deciding on the appropriate sentence.

Are there any defences to theft charges?

Our defence strategy will be tailored to the unique facts of your case. For instance, we may be able to establish a case of mistaken identity or argue that you believed you had a right to take the property.


What is fraud?

Fraud is using deception to gain a dishonest advantage or cause someone else to suffer a loss. The definition is broad and covers a range of actions, including:

  • Money laundering – Involves transforming the proceeds of crime into assets that appear to have a legitimate source.
  • Identity fraud – When you steal someone else’s identity, for example, to get a loan.
  • Investment fraud – Trick people into investing in something that doesn’t exist or is worthless.
  • Bank fraud – Deceiving people into thinking you are their bank to gain access to their accounts.

What is the sentence for fraud?

The sentence for fraud depends on the offence. For example, the maximum penalty for money laundering is 14 years imprisonment. The severity of the sentence will depend on several factors, including the amount of money involved.

Are there any defences to fraud?

How we defend the fraud charges against you depends on the offence and the circumstances. The most common defence in fraud matters is that the accused did not act dishonestly. For example, if you are a company director accused of false accounting, we may be able to defend the charges on the basis that you believed the accounts were accurate.

Given the significant implications of a conviction to both the accused’s personal and professional life, it is important to have trusted experts at your side throughout the criminal prosecution process.

Dishonesty offences

What are dishonesty offences?

Dishonesty offences are any criminal acts that involve dishonesty, including theft, fraud, burglary, and handling stolen goods.

What is the sentence for dishonesty offences?

The sentence depends on the offence. For example, the maximum sentence is 14 years imprisonment, but most sentences usually fall between a Community Order and six years’ custody. The Court will consider several factors when deciding on a sentence, including whether the victim was vulnerable, and how much planning was involved.

Are there any defences to dishonesty charges?

How we defend the accusations against you depends on the nature of the offence. For example, to commit burglary, you must be a trespasser. If you entered the property with the owner’s consent, you were not trespassing, and we might be able to defend you on that basis.

Each case is unique, so it is important to work with specialist criminal lawyers experienced in defending a wide range of scenarios.

How can DJMS help?

Being charged with theft, fraud, or other dishonesty offences can have a profound effect on your life, particularly your career and employment prospects. At DJMS, our expert criminal lawyers have a wealth of experience in defending all kinds of dishonesty-related cases. We have an exceptional track record in securing excellent results for our clients and will work tirelessly to limit the impact of the matter on your life and reputation.

When you instruct us to defend you, our criminal law defence team will swiftly get to work thoroughly reviewing the prosecution’s evidence to identify any discrepancies that weaken their case. At the same time, we will collate as much evidence as possible, including from suitable expert witnesses to prove your innocence and defend the charges.

We can represent you at every stage of the matter, from before you are charged during the police station interview, through to a contested trial. The earlier you get in touch, the better, so you can avoid doing anything that may jeopardise your position. Our criminal law team are on hand 24/7 to provide the advice, support and guidance you need.

Get in touch with DJMS Solicitors

For more information or if you require urgent advice and/or representation following allegations of theft, fraud or dishonesty, please contact DJMS’ specialist lawyers.

Contact DJMS Solicitors

We are available 24/7 to protect your rights and provide the best possible defence.

For expert legal advice, contact our dedicated team today. Call us on 0191 510 1221, or chat on WhatsApp.

Contact DJMS Solicitors

We are available 24/7 to protect your rights and provide the best possible defence.

For expert legal advice, contact our dedicated team today. Call us on 0191 510 1221, or chat on WhatsApp.