At DJMS, our leading criminal lawyers have an outstanding reputation and track record for defending those accused of violence, from common assault to grievous bodily harm (GBH). We represent clients from all walks of life, including young offenders, using our expertise to help them secure a positive outcome.
What is violent crime?
A variety of offences fall under the umbrella of violent crime. They include:
- Grievous bodily harm (GBH)
- Actual bodily harm (ABH)
- Common assault
- Affray
- Armed robbery
- Aggravated burglary
- Kidnap
What is the sentence for violent crime?
The sentence for violent crime depends on the offence. For example, the sentencing range for affray is a fine to three years in custody, whereas the maximum punishment for causing grievous bodily harm with intent is life imprisonment.
The Court will consider numerous factors when deciding on an appropriate sentence. For instance, in grievous bodily harm cases, the punishment will likely be more severe when the offence was planned and involved a highly dangerous weapon.
Are there any defences to charges of violent crime?
In cases involving violence, our defence strategy will depend on the offence and the circumstances of the case. One of the most common defences in many violent crime cases is that the accused acted in self-defence.
How can DJMS help?
Offences involving violence are vigorously prosecuted, and the penalties on conviction can be severe. Seeking representation from highly skilled criminal law solicitors like ours is crucial in successfully defending the allegations.
Violent crime prosecutions can be incredibly complex. The prosecution’s case may be supported by a range of evidence, including witness evidence, CCTV footage, mobile phone evidence, forensic evidence and medical reports. Our job is to scrutinise that evidence to cast doubt on the prosecution’s assertions while uncovering compelling evidence in support of your position and building a robust defence. With a reputation for leaving no stone unturned, we are dedicated to securing the very best result for our clients, no matter the circumstances.
Get in touch - DJMS Solicitors can help
Our solicitors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to provide the legal support you need. We can assist you at every stage of a violent crime investigation, from before you are charged, to your interview under caution at the police station and through to trial, helping you navigate the legal system and protecting your interests.
For more information or if you require urgent advice and/or representation following allegations of violence, please contact DJMS’ specialist lawyers.
Contact DJMS Solicitors
We are available 24/7 to protect your rights and provide the best possible defence.
For expert legal advice, contact our dedicated team today. Call us on 0191 510 1221, or chat on WhatsApp.
Other Criminal Defence
Contact DJMS Solicitors
We are available 24/7 to protect your rights and provide the best possible defence.
For expert legal advice, contact our dedicated team today. Call us on 0191 510 1221, or chat on WhatsApp.