At DJMS Solicitors, we offer comprehensive legal advice and support to those in prison. We are dedicated to protecting our client’s rights and interests and ensuring they receive fair treatment, whatever the circumstances and sentence.
What is Prison Law?
Prison law protects prisoners’ rights and ensures that they are treated fairly and humanely throughout their sentences. It covers a broad range of issues, from problems with sentencing calculations to hearings before the parole board.
What rights do prisoners have?
As a minimum, prisoners have the following rights:
- Access to a solicitor.
Prisoners have the right to consult with a legal representative to discuss their case and ensure their legal rights are upheld.
- Access to healthcare, including mental health support.
All prisoners must receive adequate medical care, including treatment for physical and mental health conditions.
- Protection from bullying or harassment.
Prison authorities must take steps to protect inmates from bullying, harassment, and violence.
- Between 30 minutes and an hour outside each day.
Prisoners must be allowed outdoor exercise or fresh air for a specified period daily.
If you or a loved one is being denied any of these key rights, you should contact us as soon as possible. Our dedicated prison law team will swiftly and effectively deal with the problem and ensure the prisoner is treated with fairness and respect going forward.
What types of issues does prison law cover?
The range of issues covered by prison law is vast. Just some of the matters with which our prison lawyers often help our clients include:
- Parole board representation
Our prison law solicitors can support you through the parole process, including assisting you in completing the paperwork and representing you at the parole hearing.
- Adjudications
Prisoners accused of breaking prison rules can face an adjudication. If found guilty, the prisoner’s sentence can be extended, so proper preparation is crucial.
Our prison law solicitors can assist you in building the most robust defence possible. Where your hearing is before a judge rather than the prison governor, we can also represent you at the hearing.
- Re-categorisation reviews
Our prison law solicitors can advise you on the process involved in deciding whether a prisoner should be re-categorised and provide written representations on your behalf.
- Licence recalls
We can help to prepare and then challenge any decision to revoke your licence and return you to custody.
- Sentencing calculations
If your sentence has been calculated incorrectly, our prison law solicitors can resolve the issue, ensuring you remain in prison for no longer than necessary.
- Sentence progression
We can ensure that you progress appropriately through the prison system and are offered access to appropriate courses and resources to effectively support your rehabilitation.
- Prison transfer requests
Prisoners sometimes wish to transfer to a different prison, usually to be closer to loved ones. We can help prepare and submit a transfer request and appeal a decision if your request is refused.
- Judicial Review
Where necessary, we will pursue a Judicial Review of any decision regarding your treatment in prison.
Judicial review is a specific Court application that examines and decides the lawfulness of a decision or steps taken by a public body. This is a way of challenging the way a decision has been made, rather than the actual decision itself.
Judicial Review proceedings are often very complex and need to be started urgently, generally within at least three months of when the decision being challenged was made. It is therefore important to have experienced experts in Public and Administrative Law on your side.
How can DJMS help?
Prisoners often feel powerless to defend themselves against unfair treatment while serving their sentence. However, prison law is there to protect your rights and ensure your fair treatment. If you believe any aspect of your treatment has been unfair, our specialist and experienced prison lawyers are on hand 24/7 to provide the legal advice and support you need.
For more information or if you or a loved one require urgent representation or advice, please contact the DJMS Prison Law team.
Contact DJMS Solicitors
We are available 24/7 to protect your rights and provide the best possible defence.
For expert legal advice, contact our dedicated team today. Call us on 0191 510 1221, or chat on WhatsApp.
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Contact DJMS Solicitors
We are available 24/7 to protect your rights and provide the best possible defence.
For expert legal advice, contact our dedicated team today. Call us on 0191 510 1221, or chat on WhatsApp.