Youth crime is a specialist area of law that differs from adult crime in many key aspects. So, if you or a loved one is implicated in youth crime, you need legal advice from solicitors with specific experience in the field. At DJMS, our expert criminal law solicitors frequently represent young people accused of youth crime, protecting their interests and supporting them and their families throughout the process.
What is Youth Crime?
Youth crime is crime committed by people aged between 10 and 17. Offenders can be arrested, charged, and taken to court, but their case is heard by the Youth Court. The sentences given to young offenders differ from those given to adults, and they are sent to special secure centres as opposed to adult prisons.
How do the police deal with Youth Crime?
The police can deal with youth crime in several ways, including:
- Community resolution – In cases involving non-serious crimes or anti-social behaviour, the police may offer the young person community resolution as an alternative to entering the youth justice system.
- Youth caution – When a young person admits to committing certain offences, the police might issue a youth caution instead of charging them. The police can’t issue youth cautions in cases involving serious crimes.
- Charging the young person with the offence – The police can charge the young person with the offence, meaning they enter the youth justice system.
Involving specialist criminal lawyers like DJMS at an early stage of youth crime will give a young person the best chance of avoiding arrest and staying out of the justice system. We will do everything we can to persuade the police to show leniency and refrain from taking any action that would affect the young person’s future prospects.
What is the Youth Court?
The Youth Court is less formal than an adult court. There is no jury, and the public can’t attend the hearings that take place there. If a young person is accused of a very serious crime, such as murder, they will likely be sent to the Crown Court rather than the Youth Court.
What are the sentences for youth crime?
The court can impose a range of sentences on young offenders, including:
- Fines – The fine will reflect the severity of the offence and the child’s ability to pay. If the offender is under 16, their parent or guardian will be expected to pay the fine.
- Referral orders – A referral order involves the offender attending a youth offender panel and agreeing to a contract containing certain commitments lasting between three months and a year.
- Custodial sentences – Custodial sentences can be given to young people but are reserved for the most serious cases. Young people serve custodial sentences in secure children’s homes, young offender institutions, or secure training centres.
What factors will the Court consider when sentencing young people?
In addition to the usual factors the Court takes into account when deciding on sentences, such as the seriousness of the offence and whether the offender has shown remorse, it will also consider:
- The young person’s age.
- The young person’s home situation.
- The young person’s schooling and education situation.
How can DJMS help?
At DJMS Solicitors, we understand how stressful youth crime can be for the young person involved and their family. We also recognise the significant, potentially life-impacting implications of a conviction at such a young age. DJMS’ specialist Youth Court team has a proven track record of successfully defending youth crime matters and will work tirelessly to prepare the strongest defence on the accused’s behalf, focusing on securing an out-of-court resolution and avoiding a criminal record where possible.
We are friendly and approachable, and we take the time to get to know and build a rapport with the young people we represent so they trust that we have their best interests at heart. Our lawyers are on hand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to provide the expert legal advice and support you need.
For more information or if you or a loved one require urgent representation, please contact the DJMS Youth Court team.
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Contact DJMS Solicitors
We are available 24/7 to protect your rights and provide the best possible defence.
For expert legal advice, contact our dedicated team today. Call us on 0191 510 1221, or chat on WhatsApp.