
  • If arrested for offences relating to Terrorism, you need representation that understands the prejudices in society that can misinterpret innocent expression as hostile actions. DJMS Solicitors have deep rooted links within diverse communities and long experience of standing up for their rights.


    We have experience of dealing with high profile cases of this nature. If you are arrested upon arrival at the police station request that we are contacted and notified of your arrest in order that we check the custody time clock, deal with warrants of further detention and most importantly preserve your rights.

    Control Orders / House Arrest

    Though Control Orders are not issued commonly, they can have strict consequences. Control Orders allow the government to place individuals suspected of involvement in terrorism under house arrest, without the requirement of charging them. This order falls under the 2005 Prevention of Terrorism Act. The Act distinguishes between two types of order: Non-Derogating Control Orders, namely those that impose obligations which are in line with an individual’s right to liberty and Derogating Control Orders, namely those that impose obligations that are incompatible with an individual’s right to liberty.

    Control Orders may impose sanctions, such as reporting daily to the police station and restrictions on movements. These restricted movements can extend to an individual’s place of work, home, and proximity to the airport and local railway station. Control Orders may be challenged under the Human Rights Act.

    Our lawyers are available 24 hours a day, providing immediate, first class legal advice, representation and assistance during criminal proceedings, ensuring the best interests of our clients. Please contact the Terrorism Department on 0191 5101221 or email enquires@djmssolicitors.co.uk

    Hoax Bomb Threats

    An individual can be charged with making a hoax bomb threat following remarks to the cabin crew on-board an aircraft or inside an airport. The charge also incorporates other ‘hoax’ offences, such as faux anthrax threats. These threats, though ‘false’, bear harsh consequences, and if you are subject to an investigation for committing a threat, you should seek legal advice immediately.

    Our lawyers are available 24 hours a day, providing immediate, first class legal advice, representation and assistance during criminal proceedings, ensuring the best interests of our clients. Please contact the Terrorism Department on 0191 5101221 or email enquires@djmssolicitors.co.uk

    Weapons Training

    With a maximum sentence of ten years in prison, it is important to understand the meaning of the charge of weapons training. Under the Terrorism Act 2000, it is considered an offence for a person to provide instruction or training in the making or use of chemical or biological weapons, firearms or explosives. Our lawyers have experience in this niche field ensuring expert knowledge and first class legal representation to mitigate or challenge the risk of these proceedings.

    Our lawyers are available 24 hours a day, providing immediate, first class legal advice, representation and assistance during criminal proceedings, ensuring the best interests of our clients. Please contact the Terrorism Department on 0191 5101221 or email enquires@djmssolicitors.co.uk

    “Thank you for your help, support and guidance. It was wise to leave it all to you – An outstanding result! Many thanks.”

    R v. JW. Birmingham Magistrates Court
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